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Mao, K. N., Cherng, B. L. (1993). The effects of goal orientation and goal specificity on college students’ self-regulated learning. Bulletin of Educational Psychology, 26, 85-106. (In Chinese)
Lin, C. S., Cherng, B. L. (1996). Studies of the relationship among students’ self-regulated factors and learning outcomes and on the effect of self-regulated reading comprehension training course. Bulletin of Educational Psychology, 28, 15-58. (TSSCI) (In Chinese)
Cherng, B. L., Lin, C. S. (1998). The construction of action orientation scale for junior high school students. Psychological Testing, 45(1), 65-82. (TSSCI-O) NSC 86-2413-H003-010-G10 (In Chinese)
Cherng, B. L., Lin, C. S. (1999). The verification of action control model and the relationship among action control variables and learning achievement. Bulletin of Educational Psychology, 31(1), 1-35. (TSSCI) NSC 87-2413-H-003-012- (In Chinese)
Cherng, B. L. (1999). Verification of second-order confirmatory factor analysis of cognitive/conative model. Journal of Elementary Education, 11, 385-410. NSC 87-2413-H-035-002- (In Chinese)
Cherng, B. L. (2000). Relationship among junior high school students’ cognitive/conative components and learning performance. Journal of National Normal University: Education, 45(1), 43-59. (TSSCI) NSC87-2413-H-035-002- (In Chinese)
Cherng, B. L., Lin, C. S. (2000). The effects of action control training course. Bulletin of Educational Psychology, 31(2), 1-21. (TSSCI) NSC 88-2413-H-003-008- (In Chinese)
Cherng, B. L. (2000). The effects of action vs. state orientation, goal level, and task complexity on junior high school students’ action control strategies and task performance. Bulletin of Educational Psychology, 31(2), 85-104. (TSSCI) NSC 88-2413-H-035-001- (In Chinese)
Cherng, B. L. (2001). The relation among motivation, goal setting, action control, and learning strategies: The construct and verification of self-regulated learning process model. Journal of National Normal University: Education, 46(1), 67-92. (TSSCI) (In Chinese)
Cherng, B. L., Lin, C. S. (2001). The development of self-regulated learning inventory for high school students. Psychological Testing, 48(1), 1-41. (TSSCI) NSC 89-2413-H-035-001- (In Chinese)Cherng, B. L. (2002). The relationships among college students’ academic tasks, motivational problems, and self-regulated learning strategies. Bulletin of Educational Psychology, 33(2), 79-102. (TSSCI) (In Chinese)
Cherng, B. L. (2002). The interaction among multiple goals, motivational problems, and self-regulated learning strategies. Journal of National Normal University: Education, 47(1), 39-58. (TSSCI) (In Chinese)
Cherng, B. L., Lin, C. S. (2002). The mediating role of action control between the predecisional and postdecisional phases in learning processes. Bulletin of Educational Psychology, 34(1), 43-60. (TSSCI) NSC 89-2413-H-006-021- (In Chinese)
Fu, C. Y., Luh, W. M., & Cherng, B. L. (2002). The effects of locus of control and social support on perceived life stress in junior high students by using structure equation modeling. Bulletin of Educational Psychology, 34(1), 61-82. (TSSCI) (In Chinese)
Cherng, B. L. (2003). Study of the model of 4 dimensions goal orientation. Journal of National Normal University: Education, 47(1), 39-58. (TSSCI) (In Chinese)
Hou, M. J., Cherng, B. L., & Yu, F. Y. (2004). The relationships between junior high school students’ multiple goals and self-regulation learning. Bulletin of Educational Psychology, 35(3), 221-248. (TSSCI) (In Chinese)
Peng, Y. Y., Cherng, B. L., & Yu, F. Y. (2005). The effect of goal level and feedback information on math task performance and learning motivation: Considering junior high school student's locus of control. Bulletin of Educational Psychology, 36(3), 265-286. (TSSCI) (In Chinese)
Hung, C. C., Yu, F. U., & Cherng, B. L. (2005). Effects of question-posting and cooperative learning on students’ competency and learning anxiety within a web-based learning environment. Journal of National Hsin Chu Teachers College, 20, 219-244. (TSSCI-O) (In Chinese)
Su, C. L., Cherng, B. L. (2005). The relationships among action orientation, goal orientations, and motivational regulation strategies of junior high school students. Bulletin of Educational Psychology, 36(4), 395-415. (TSSCI) (In Chinese)
Peng, S. L., Cherng, B. L. (2005). The relationship among a 4-dimensional classroom goal structure, personal goal orientation and academic help-seeking behavior. Journal of Taiwan Normal University: Education, 50(2), 69-95. (TSSCI) (In Chinese)
Li, M. J., Cherng, B. L. (2005). The classification of approach performance goal and the relationships between approach performance goal and adaptive patterns of learning. Bulletin of Educational Psychology, 37(1), 61-78. (TSSCI) (In Chinese)
Lin, Y. H., Cherng, B. L. (2006). The interaction effects between the cues of classroom goal and personal goal orientations on solving mathematics problems and self-regulated learning. Bulletin of Educational Psychology, 37(3), 231-255. (TSSCI) (In Chinese)
Cherng, B. L. (2006). Students’ perception of subjective competence and their use of avoidance strategies. Journal of Taiwan Normal University: Education, 51(2), 1-24. (TSSCI) NSC 91-2413-H-006-008-、NSC 92-2413-H-006-009- (In Chinese)
Fu, A. T., Ko, H. C., W, Y. W., Cherng, B. L., & Cheng, C. P. (2007). Impulsivity and expectancy in risk for alcohol use: Comparing male and female college students in Taiwan. Addictive Behaviors, 32(9), 1887-1896. (SSCI)
Lin, Y. Y., Cherng, B. L. (2007). The latent change analysis among individual goal orientations, classroom goal structures and self-regulated learning strategies. Bulletin of Educational Psychology, 39(2), 173-194. (TSSCI) (In Chinese)
Chang, H. C., Cherng, B. L. (2010). The interaction effects between action control orientation and success/failure conditions on cognition, motivation, and emotion. Bulletin of Educational Psychology, 41(3), 605-634. (TSSCI) (In Chinese)
Sung, C. M., Cherng, B. L., & Chou, C. T. (2010). Moderating effects of classroom goal structures on 4-dimensional goal orientation causal model. Bulletin of Educational Psychology, 42(1), 99-122. (TSSCI) (In Chinese)
Chiang, M. Y., Cherng, B. L. (2011). Testing a quadripolar framework of achievement need and its moderating effect on a model of achievement goal orientation. Bulletin of Educational Psychology, 43(2), 397-418. (TSSCI) (In Chinese)
Chang, Y. F., Cherng, B. L. (2011). The classification and related factors of motivational engagement for junior high school students. Bulletin of Educational Psychology, 43(2), 521-546. (TSSCI) (In Chinese)
Lin, Y. Y., Cherng, B. L. (2012). The effects of environmental goal structures and control-value beliefs on academic emotions. Bulletin of Educational Psychology, 44(1), 49-72. (TSSCI) (In Chinese)
Peng, S. L., Cherng, B. L. (2012). The reliability and validity analysis of a future goal scale for junior high school students. Psychological Testing, 59(4), 547-579. (TSSCI) (In Chinese)
Chien, C. L., Cherng, B. L. (2013). The relation of environmental goal structure, self-determined motivation and academic emotions. Bulletin of Educational Psychology, 44(3), 713-734. (TSSCI) (In Chinese)
Peng, S. L., Cherng, B. L., & Chen, H. C. (2013). The effects of classroom goal structures on the creativity of junior high school students. Educational Psychology, 33(5), 540-560.(SSCI)
Peng, S. L., Cherng, B. L., Chen, H. C., & Lin, Y. Y. (2013). A model of contextual and personal motivations in creativity: How do the classroom goal structures influence creativity via self-determination motivations? Thinking Skills and Creativity, 10, 50-67.(SSCI)
Lin, Y. Y., Cherng, B. L. (2014). Beyond 4 dimensions: The verification and analysis of the 6-dimensional goal orientation model. Bulletin of Educational Psychology, 46(1), 117-140. (TSSCI) (In Chinese)
Chang, Y. F., Cherng, B. L. (2015). The Relations of Self-determination Motivation, Goal Orientation, and Motivational Engagement for Junior High School Students. Bulletin of Educational Psychology, 46(4), 543-564. (TSSCI) (In Chinese)