In order to actualize the goal of advancing international collaboration and promoting global awareness of faculty members and students of the University, different measures are in place at the institute, college and university levels. Events and activities hosted or co-organized by the Institute of Education include the following:
- Co-organizer, Ministry of Education “E-Innovative schools” and Microsoft “Tainan City Future Schools” Listing Ceremony and Project Implementation Conference, 2009
- Co-organizer, Microsoft “National Primary Schools WebQuest Design Tournament,” 2008
- Co-organizer, Ministry of Education “E-Innovative Taipei-Kaoshiung Alliance Workshop,” 2009
- Co-organizer, Ministry of Education “Taipei E-Schoolbag Experiment Showcase,” 2009
- Co-organizer, Ministry of Education, “Taipei E-Innovative Schools Projects Showcase,” 2010
- Co-organizer, Symposium on Higher Education Governance Management, 2010
Events and activities co-organized by faculty members of the institute with regard to internationalization and globalization include the following:
By Professor Yu
- Conference Chair, International Conference on Computers in Education 2010, Malaysia.
- Co-organizer, “Policy, Practices and Research into Technology Transformed Learning” Interactive event
- Co-organizer, the 4th Workshop of Modeling, Management and Generation of Problems/Questions in Technology-Enhanced Learning
- Program Committee, International Conference on Computer Support for Collaborative Learning 2011
- Doctorial Student Consortium Program Coordination Committee, International Conference on Computer in Education 2008
- Senior Programme Committee, International Conference on Computer in Education 2008 on CSCL & Learning Sciences
- Senior Programme Committee, International Conference on Computer in Education 2008 on CUMTEL & DIGITEL
- Program Committee, The Global Chinese Conference on Computers in Education 2008
- Co-organizer, Modeling, Management and Generation of Problems/Questions in eLearning Workshop, International Conference on Computer in Education 2007
- Program Committee, International Conference on Computer in Education 2007
- Best Student Paper Selection Committee members, International Conference on Computer in Education 2007
- Writing Skills Session Presider, International Conference on Computers in Education 2007
- Program Committee, International Conference on Computers in Education 2005
- Advisor, Doctoral Student Consortium Program, International Conference on Computers in Education 2005
- Session Presider, International Conference on Computers in Education 2005
- Program committee, International Conference on Computer Support for Collaborative Learning 2005
- Steering Committee, International Conference on Computer Supported Collaborative Learning 2005
- Chair, Students Community Program, Computer Supported Collaborative Learning 2005
- Session Presider for ED-MEDIA2002: World Conference on Educational Multimedia, Hypermedia & Telecommunications
By Ya-Ting Carolyn Yang
- Reviewer, Computers & Education (C&E)
- Reviewer, Journal of Computing in Higher Education (JCHE)
- Reviewer, Asian Journal of Educational Research and Synergy (AJERS)
- Reviewer, Asia Pacific Education Review(APER),
- Reviewer, Research and Practice in Technology Enhanced Learning (RPTEL)
- Reviewer, International Conference on Computers in Education (ICCE)
- Reviewer, European Cognitive Science Conference
Events and activities organized by faculty members of the institute with regard to Industrial-Academic Partnership include the following:
By Ya-Ting Carolyn Yang
- Laih, C.-S., Wen, J.-R., Lin, C.-S., & Yang, Y.-T. C. (2004). PILOT: Partners in Learning of Taiwan (Final Report). Microsoft Corp. (In Chinese)
- Laih, C.-S., Wen, J.-R., Lin, C.-S., & Yang, Y.-T. C. (2004). Microsoft Peer Coaching Program (Instructional Materials). Microsoft Corp. (In Chinese)
- Laih, C.-S., Wen, J.-R., Lin, C.-S., & Yang, Y.-T. C. (2005). Design and Implementation Plan of Peer Coaching Program in Taiwan (Final Report). Microsoft Corp. (In Chinese)
- Laih, C.-S., Wen, J.-R., Lin, C.-S., & Yang, Y.-T. C. (2006). Peer Coaching Program in Taiwan (I) (Final Report). Microsoft Corp. (In Chinese)
- Laih, C.-S., Wen, J.-R., Lin, C.-S., & Yang, Y.-T. C. (2007). Peer Coaching Program in Taiwan (II) (Final Report). Microsoft Corp. (In Chinese)
- Laih, C.-S., Wen, J.-R., Lin, C.-S., & Yang, Y.-T. C. (2008). Peer Coaching Program in Taiwan (III) (Final Report). Microsoft Corp. (In Chinese)
- Yang, Y.-T. C. (2008). Evaluation Report of the Peer Coaching Program in Taiwan. Microsoft Corp.
- Yang, Y.-T. C. (2008). Effectiveness of PBL projects at Schools of the Future in Taiwan (TSOF) (Mid-Term Report). Microsoft Corp.