Currently, our Institute occupies 16706 square feet, which is divided to different spaces to support various functions: an office of the Chairperson, an administrative office, ten private lounges for professors, one shared lounge for adjunct professors, one study lounge for postdoctorates, three shared offices for full-time research assistants, one individual counseling room, one group counseling room, a conference room and classrooms. In addition, graduate students are provided with dedicated research space equipped with personal computers and printers.
2. Library Collection
Over the past few years, the Institute has acquired more than 200 periodicals and 13,000 volumes of books on education, which are centrally managed by the library.
3. Computer Equipment
In addition to the University computer and network center that is freely and easily accessible to all faculty and students, the Institute purchases and updates computer equipment on a yearly basis. Currently, the Institute has 70 desktop computers, fifteen laptops, sixteen laser printers, and three color inkjet printers to support administrative, teaching and research needs.
4. Teaching Equipment
The Institute has three e-podiums, two LCD projectors, two video recorders, two cameras, two amplifiers, two copiers and hundreds of audio and visual tapes/compact discs/CAI modules.